Is the Deep Magic Group a Right Fit for You? 

Some guideposts —

Inner work is a part of your life, and you’re looking for ways to support your own self-transformation work

You enjoy groups but feel a smaller, more intimate group would give you a greater sense of safety 

You’re very discerning of other people’s energy and would like to be in a group where everyone shares that level of discernment and respect for each other’s boundaries / energy

You can do a fair amount / a lot of your own self-directed work, but would enjoy having someone else create the container from time to time

You’re looking for a COACHING group focused on intuition / receiving guidance / being uplifted by the group,
not a THERAPY group focused on healing trauma

You want positive group support based on self-compassion and self-knowing, not a MASTERMIND coaching group focused on striving, efforting, accountability or holding each other to dreaded deadlines 

If you choose to have Melissa as a participant, it is because you like the idea of having a peer / moderator structure, in which Melissa is both the moderator of the group and an equal participant. No guru energy here! We’re all in this thing called life together — together we rise. 

If you choose not to have Melissa as a participant, you feel called to explore your own numinous side in a profound and resonant container held by a contemporary mystic who has the capacity to hold extremely high energies

Is the Deep Magic Group calling to you? 

If it is, I invite you to apply! Contact Melissa by phone or email.

We’ll schedule a free call to explore if it’s a good fit. To start, I’ll ask what you’re looking to get out of the group, what kinds of people you’d feel comfortable being matched with, and your availability. 

As people apply, I’ll match them into groups, and we’ll begin with an initial trial group. 

After the initial group, we’ll schedule a short call or have an email exchange (your preference). You can let me know if you want to go forward with that group, be matched into a different group, or that it wasn’t the right fit for you!  

So there’s no long-term commitment — you can try a group, or try a few initial groups.

As groups fit into place, there will be the opportunity to sign up for a series of groups (or more, depending on what the group wants) — weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. This way, you’ll be able to settle in to a group and know it will be the same group, at the same time, ongoing for the series.

I know the power of ongoing self-transformation groups, as I’ve been actively participating in an authentic movement group with many of the same women for over twenty years. The depth of connection we have is indescribable. 

After decades of my own extremely deep inner transformation work, my desire to offer groups is finally flowering, taking the shape of these ‘exquisitely small’ groups.  

I appreciate you taking the time to read about these offerings. 

Whether they are right for you now, perhaps in the future, or not at all, I wish you belonging and support in all the ways that nourish your soul. 
