
We will come up with a meeting time that works for everyone. 

Out of respect for each other, the group begins on time.


Once we’re all on the call, we’ll decide on an order for sharing. That order will apply to all the rounds of the call. The order is not ‘permanent’ for the group — just for that day’s call. 

When your Sharing is Complete 

Because we won’t have visual cues to indicate when someone is done speaking, each person will use a phrase to signify they’re done. Example phrases: 

“The end.” • “That feels complete.” • ”Kaizen” for the kaizen round

Please feel free to experiment with whatever phrases feel right for you. 

Need More Time 

If, during a particular round, you need more time, speak up and let us know HOW MUCH extra time you need. “I need 10 more seconds,” or “I need 30 more seconds,” or, “I need another minute.” Use this as an opportunity to learn about time — the more precise you can be, the more you get what you need. 


Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you want to focus on. Sometimes I’m torn between two different things. In that case, speak both, and as you speak it will become clearer what is drawing your attention most today. Or, if it turns out it’s really two things, that’s fine too! Clarity will continue to arrive throughout the group process.
It’s okay to start exactly where you are. 

Open-ended Sharing 

After the fifth round, the Kaizen, there will be an open-ended sharing time. There is no ‘order’ for this sharing. It’s an opportunity to share how you were impacted by things other people shared. 

Using “I” Statements

The key to keeping the sharing safe is “I” statements. 

Example: ‘When I heard you say, “I”m struggling with a lot of fear lately,” I felt relief, because I’m struggling with that too.’ 

As the moderator, my role is to make sure that “you” or “it” statements don’t slip through during the open-ended sharing time. 

In the presence of the vulnerability and struggle of other humans, it is NATURAL for our managers to be activated — to want to help, advise, judge, or comment. 

Alas, when managers react, safety disappears. 

Therefore, our managers are gently invited to actively DO NOTHING during the group. In fact, part of the deep magic of the group, is that it is an opportunity for our managers to take a vacation. 

They do not need to keep thinking and figuring out what to do about our problems. Or other people’s!! 

We are using the magic of gratitude, focus, guidance, intention, kaizen, sharing and rhema to bypass the usual efforting of our managers, to access something bigger than we are — the ‘universe,’ the wisdom within us, the power of the group, the smallness of kaizen — to move forward. 

By participating in the group, you are agreeing to these safety parameters. You are giving me permission to keep the sharing safe. I will intervene, as lovingly as I can, to rephrase “it” or “you” statements, or to help a manager step back from offering advice or caretaking someone else. 

We are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole. The deep magic process is all about affirming this truth and experiencing it together. 

Safety comes from each person having the space to explore their own truths without judgement or advice being offered by anyone else — not me, and not any group member. Another way of putting this, is that there is no “cross-talk” in the group.  


I know it goes without saying, but we all commit to hold what we’ve said in the group in confidence,
to honor the sacredness of the container.